Asari Dokubo highlighted in a Facebook video that he publicly challenges President Bola Ahmed Tinubu whenever he makes a mistake. Dokubo, however, doesn’t stop there. To show that he genuinely supports the president, he frequently visits mosques with his Mallam buddies and actively prays for Tinubu’s success.
He said, “A dollar is almost N2000, but foreign currencies are now coming down, and you think President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. does not listen to advice?” He does. We are hearing some revelations that the dollar rate will soon come down, things are going to be normal again, and there is going to be a new dawn. I don’t talk about things that I’m not involved in; everything I say, I’m passionately involved in. I pray for Tinubu; I take mallams, and I pray for him; I don’t just come out and shout; I also pray for him.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>