
SERAP office was invaded by DSS in Abuja, Shehu Sani reacts


Former lawmaker Shehu Sani has expressed his worries on Twitter on the Department of State Services’ (DSS) alleged invasion of the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) office. In his tweet, Sani underlined how crucial it is to uphold the fundamental rights protected by Nigeria’s constitution for SERAP, its officials, and its members.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


Shehu Sani post Read’s “The reported invasion of SERAP office is concerning. Security agencies must respect the fundamental rights of the organization, its officials and members as guaranteed by the constitution of the country.”

Sani’s statement has sparked reactions from various quarters, with many echoing his call for the protection of civil liberties and the rule of law.

Below are some top comments…

@Shawnbarth8: “Senator, no one is above the law. All organizations, its officials and members should all conduct themselves within the ambit of the law. Sikena! Happy viewing.”

@Paulagam11117: “I love what the security are doing, that is Nigerian government for you.”

@adebayo_kayode:”Nobody and Nothing is above the law. No place is untouchable to law.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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