
FFK: Zionist State of Israel, An Evil Entity That Is Being Run By Genocidal Maniacs And Slave Dealers


FFK: Zionist State of Israel, An Evil Entity That Is Being Run By Genocidal Maniacs And Slave Dealers

Prominent Nigerian politician Femi Fani-Kayode used his verified Facebook page to denounce what Israel and its western supporters were doing to the Palestinians during their current confrontation in Gaza.
In a fiery post, Fani-Kayode expressed deep outrage, labeling Israel’s actions as barbaric and inhumane. He harshly criticized the Zionist state, describing it as an “evil entity” run by individuals he called “genocidal maniacs, chronic perverts, and feral psychopaths.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

FFK: Zionist State of Israel, An Evil Entity That Is Being Run By Genocidal Maniacs And Slave Dealers


Fani-Kayode’s post comes in the wake of continued violence in Gaza, where Israeli military operations have led to widespread destruction and significant loss of life. He denounced the Israeli government, asserting that it is filled with individuals who have lost all sense of decency and humanity. In his view, Israel’s actions mirror those of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, a comparison he made to emphasize the severity of the situation. Fani-Kayode argued that just as the world united to dismantle Nazi Germany in 1945, a similar approach should be taken against Israel in 2024.


FFK: Zionist State of Israel, An Evil Entity That Is Being Run By Genocidal Maniacs And Slave Dealers


The post further elaborated on his disdain for Israel’s policies, particularly its treatment of Palestinians, which he termed as ethnic cleansing and mass murder. He stated that any nation that condones such acts should not be considered part of the civilized world. Fani-Kayode referred to Israel as a “cancerous scab” and “the scum of humanity,” arguing that the nation has strayed far from the Israel of biblical times.

He contrasted today’s Israel with the one described in religious texts, asserting that the current state, established in 1948, is a counterfeit version manipulated by forces of evil. Fani-Kayode named figures like Arthur James Balfour, Theodor Herzl, and Benjamin Netanyahu as part of this new Israel, which he claimed was created by Satan and his disciples. He accused this modern Israel of bringing death and destruction not only to the Middle East but also to the world at large.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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