
Akin Fapohunda: ‘Draft Bill’ Proposing 8-Regions Structure For Nigeria To Be Sent To Tinubu

Akin Fapohunda: ‘Draft Bill’ Proposing 8-Regions Structure For Nigeria To Be Sent To Tinubu

Akin Fapohunda, a well-known member of the Yoruba socio-cultural group Afenifere, has said that he intends to present a draft law to President Bola Tinubu, according to news reported by Vanguard. With the passage of this bill, which is titled “A Bill for an Act to substitute the annexure to Decree 24 of 1999 with New Governance Model for the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” Nigeria will be divided into eight parts.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Fapohunda represents the Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities. He said the draft bill seeks to return to a regional form of government, enhancing regional autonomy and reducing the cost of governance. According to him, the current 36-state structure is inefficient and too costly for effective administration.

The draft proposes that Nigeria be divided into eight regions: Southern, South Eastern, Western, Mid-Western, Eastern Middle Belt, Western Middle Belt, North Eastern, and North Western regions. Each region would have the liberty to manage its affairs, including creating sub-entities based on specific needs.

In the proposed model, the Southern region would include Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, and Cross Rivers States, with optional inclusion of various ethnic groups such as the Annang, Effik, Ekoi, Ibibio, and others. The South Eastern region would comprise Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States. The Western region would encompass Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, and Ekiti States, and could include Yoruba-speaking people from Kogi and Kwara States.

The draft also proposes a two-tier government system with both federal and regional governments. Each region would have the authority to create provinces and divisions, replacing the current states and local government areas. This would streamline administrative functions and focus on socio-economic development.

Fapohunda explained that the bill would introduce a regional government framework with executive and legislative functions, headed by a Premier. The regions would have the freedom to create and manage their own provinces and divisions, which would operate as socio-economic development institutions.

The draft also calls for a unicameral federal legislature, with members elected at the discretion of the regions. This change aims to decentralize federal power and reduce the number of ministries to fewer than ten, promoting efficiency and reducing administrative costs. The coalition also advocates a return to the parliamentary system of government with rotational headship among the regions.

Fapohunda plans to submit the draft bill to President Tinubu and release it to the public after seven days. He emphasizes that this new governance model will help free resources for true development and reduce the influence of politicians, making the government more efficient and focused on the people’s needs.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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