Govt should implement law that criminalize strike action in area of essential services: According to Frank Tietie

Govt should implement law that criminalize strike action in area of essential services: According to Frank Tietie

Nigerian political commentator and attorney Frank Tietie believes that individuals who provide essential services—like those in the energy and health sectors—should not be allowed to go on strike. Frank Tietie advocated for the federal government to outlaw strikes by workers who provide essential services.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Frank Tietie made this known during an interview with a journalist on Arise Television. During the interview, Frank Tietie said, “government should implement laws that criminalize strike actions in areas of essential services. Section 31 of the Trade Union Amended Act of 2005 prohibits any form of strike actions by persons who are providing essential services.” “If you look at the definition of essential services under the provisions of the Trade Dispute Essential Services Act, it covers anybody who works for the local governments in Nigeria, the state governments in Nigeria, and the federal government. The Nigerian economy is too fragile to take the type of strike action where you shutdown power. The economic importance of that cannot be quantified.” “Many times I have observed strike actions especially by the medical and health workers union and national association of resident doctors, people just die and it goes unreported. When you shutdown power, you are actually doing what an enemy of Nigeria would do.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>