Idahagbon: Whenever NLC Go on Strike, They Should Please, Next Time, Not Shut Down the National Grid

Idahagbon: Whenever NLC Go on Strike, They Should Please, Next Time, Not Shut Down the National Grid

Former Edo State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice Henry Idahagbon has stated his support for labor leaders’ right to strike, but with a disclaimer. Idahagbon urged labor leaders to exercise their right to strike in accordance with international labor law in an interview with Arise TV. However, he issued a warning against shutting down the national grid, noting dire implications.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He emphasised that workers must meet certain conditions before embarking on industrial action. He stated that hospitals, for example, will not be able to attend to people due to the shutting down of the national grid.

According to him, “I want to appeal to the labour leaders; they are free to go on strike. The right to strike is inalienable under the International Labour Law adopted in Nigeria for every worker, but only after certain conditions have been met. But whenever they go on strike in Nigeria, they should please next time not shut down the national grid because the consequences are far more than what they see.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>