A New Prophecy Prayer Is Dropped by Bishop David Oyedepo

A New Prophecy Prayer Is Dropped by Bishop David Oyedepo

In a recent Facebook video, Living Faith Church Worldwide’s founder and presiding bishop, Bishop David Oyedepo, addressed the generational curses and sufferings that believers endure in a stirring sermon. Oyedepo announced a divine intervention against spiritual obstacles while addressing his audience.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He addressed on the focus of liberation from spiritual bondage, emphasizing the breaking of generational curses that impede individuals’ destinies. His words were met with significant affirmation from the congregation, many of whom believe in the transformative power of prayer and divine intervention.

According to him, “Every evil mark on your life that is exposing you to to the affliction of the wicked, I command those marks erased by the blood of Jesus. Every agent of the devil blocking your way in life shall go down before you today in the mighty name of Jesus. And Every generational curse holding your destiny captive is broken finally today in the mighty name of Jesus.”

If you believe this Prophetic Prayer shout a big amen with faith.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>