I was in parliament for 16 years, all the arguments about NASS wages, none has been proven–According to Onyejocha

I was in parliament for 16 years, all the arguments about NASS wages, none has been proven–According to Onyejocha

In an interview with Politics Today on Channels Television, Nkiruka Onyejocha, the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, stated that no one can provide evidence that members of the National Assembly are making as much money as they are speculating. She also mentioned that the salaries of National Assembly members shouldn’t be discussed when bargaining for a raise for employees.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Nkiruka Onyejocha had said, “I can tell you for free that they have not be able to prove it. I was in parliament for 16 years, all the arguments upon National Assembly wages and all that, none has been proven with fact. That would be another discussion for another day. Remember, when that argument came up, the former Senate President had to call for a conference at International Conference Centre where our – the salaries of National Assembly was made public, remember? Mr. Seun, let me tell you something that is clear, and nobody should make mistake, think about it, it’s tripartite, it’s not about federal government, but the federal government should take into cognizance that it is tripartite committee that will also ensure that if Mr. A agrees to pay, he has to pay.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>