Corruption: Did you read of how much was spent to do the Senate President birthday party? – According to Aishatu Ismail

Corruption: Did you read of how much was spent to do the Senate President birthday party? – According to Aishatu Ismail

Haija Aishatu Ismail, a former minister of women’s affairs and youth development, reportedly objected to the lavish birthday celebration for the Senate President, citing the nation’s pervasive poverty and hunger as justification. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

She highlighted the sharp contrast between the lavish spending on the party and the daily struggles faced by many Nigerians.

She argued that this display of wealth and privilege is insensitive to the plight of ordinary citizens and questioned the Senate President’s contributions to the country.

She suggested that the only notable achievement of the Senate President is obtaining his position, possibly through unethical means.

She said, “I mean your people have reached the level, we are an oil-producing country. Now, forget the oil, Nigeria is one of the richest countries on earth. Everything that you need to have a super comfortable life for everybody, you have it here in Nigeria. Yet you have been unable to put your acts right until you reach this level, and you think you are insulated from all these because you are walled in a comfortable house that belongs to Nigerians, your family is protected. It is their reaction, it is their insensitivity that is strange. And you know, you continue the same way you are doing. While they are hungry, they are having birthday parties? Did you read of how much was spent to do the Senate President’s birthday party? Now, can you imagine how people would feel? They can’t feed their children and you are spending that kind of money for the birthday of an old man, who has not done anything for the country. The only medal for him is accessing, by crook or hook, the position he is in. That is the only medal for him.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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