According to Tietie “Senate should be quick to mention countries that apply death sentence to corruption cases”

According to Tietie "Senate should be quick to mention countries that apply death sentence to corruption cases"

According to Tietie “Senate should be quick to mention countries that apply death sentence to corruption cases” Political analyst Frank Tietie has expressed opposition to the senate’s decision to move forward with the death penalty for drug trafficking in Nigeria. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Frank Tietie believes that the Senate ought to look at the prospect of capital punishment for dishonest legislators.

This was said by Frank Tietie while he was speaking with a journalist on Arise Television. In the interview, Frank Tietie pointed out that “the senate should also be quick to mention countries that apply death sentence to cases of corruption, embezzlement, inflation of contracts, and padding of padding of budget.”

As far as the senate is aware, there are nations that carry out capital punishment in cases of corruption. Countries like North Korea fall into this category. It is unfair to simply arrive in Nigeria and declare that someone carrying a small bit of cocaine should be put to death, because of our people’s nature. This suggests that enraged police officers will fabricate evidence of drug possession under the car’s carpet in order to frame an individual for the death penalty. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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