
Peter Obi Revealed. “We’re Today Among 5 Most Terrorised Countries In Africa, and the 10 Most Dangerous Countries in World”

Peter Obi Revealed. "We're Today Among 5 Most Terrorised Countries In Africa, and the 10 Most Dangerous Countries in World"

Peter Obi, the former Governor of Anambra State, took to his verified Twitter account to express profound worry for the extended imprisonment of 91 young girls from Chibok, Borno State, who were taken over a decade ago. Obi bemoaned Nigeria’s continuous state of insecurity in his moving speech, pointing out that things had only become worse over time. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Highlighting the tragic events of April 2014 when 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their schools, Obi emphasized the trauma these girls continue to endure at the hands of their abductors. Despite a few managing to escape, many remain trapped, deprived of their freedom and suffering untold hardships.

Obi’s message resonates with a sense of urgency and disappointment in the government’s failure to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. He questions the compassion of Nigerian leaders, criticizing their inability to rescue the abducted girls and alleviate the suffering of their families.

The former governor’s remarks also draw attention to Nigeria’s deteriorating security situation, which has led to the country being ranked among the top five most terrorized nations in Africa and the top ten most dangerous countries globally. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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