
The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

A speedboat driver described his terrifying escape from the Okuama waterfront during the operation on March 14, according to Vanguard. The driver described the mayhem, saying that under a barrage of gunshots, the soldiers tried to force the Okuama community chair into their boat. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Tragically, an insider revealed how the Lt Colonel in charge of the operation was tricked and killed. The source claims that Okuama community leaders tricked Agbarho soldiers serving under the Lieutenant Colonel’s command into believing they were in a state of fake tranquility. After the soldiers were disarmed, the youths ambushed and viciously attacked them.

The incident underscores the complexity and volatility of the situation, highlighting the dangers faced by both military personnel and civilians amid escalating tensions in the region. As investigations continue, questions linger over the effectiveness of peace initiatives and the need for dialogue to prevent further bloodshed.

He said: “The soldiers from Agbarho, led by the Lieutenant Colonel, upon reaching Okuama, told the community folk that they came for peace talks. The community leaders responded that they should drop their weapons if they truly came for peace talks.”

“The commanding officer asked his men to drop their weapons, and as they did so, the community youths took the weapons away. Suddenly, the youths descended on them, butchering them from every angle.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Before she got married, my mother was a devout Christian. Still, she read the Bible nonstop.

Before she got married, my mother was a devout Christian. Still, she read the Bible nonstop

The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

Okuama:An Old Woman In Pure Water Attire Came Out Of The Community And Stared At Us–According to speedboat driver