
Sheikh Taofeeq “My Chief Driver Is A Christian And I Trust Him More Than My Fellow Muslim Brothers”

Sheikh Taofeeq Akeugbagold said. "Where in the holy Quran has Almighty Allah told anyone to kill for insulting the Quran?"

Sheikh Taofeeq Akeugbagold, the President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Preachers in the South West, has declared that he has greater faith in his Christian Chief Driver than in his Muslim colleagues. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He argues that the key to preventing strife is to put humanity above religious differences. He emphasized how important it is to foster harmony and peace within Nigeria and how important it is that followers of different faiths appreciate one another. He advocated for a culture of tolerance and empathy among Nigerians by citing the Quran’s warning against denigrating followers of other religions, drawing on Islamic teachings.

In an interview with Tribune, he remarked, “Nigeria is our land and we should learn to live in peace, we should respect all other religions. The Quran also says we shouldn’t abuse those who are worshipping other gods. God has the power to make the whole world practice one religion, so why are we fighting ourselves.

What is the essence of the day of resurrection if we are here fighting ourselves? Why can’t you let Allah judge? Humanity comes before religion. My chief driver is a Christian and I trust him more than my fellow Muslim brothers because he has been with me for a long time and has never betrayed my trust, all I need is his professionalism.”

Sheikh Akeugbagold has consistently preached against ethnic bias and nepotism, advocating instead for justice, equality, and fairness as remedies for disunity. He urges Nigerians to emulate the cooperative efforts of honeybees and termites, which facilitate collective tasks. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Adeboye "Because one Imam said they should kill our First Lady, does it mean all Imams are murderers?"

Adeboye “Because one Imam said they should kill our First Lady, does it mean all Imams are murderers?”

Sheikh Taofeeq Akeugbagold said. "Where in the holy Quran has Almighty Allah told anyone to kill for insulting the Quran?"

Where in the holy Quran has Almighty Allah told anyone to kill for insulting the Quran-According to Sheikh Taofeq