
Okuama: We’ve Been Hiding In The Bush, Some Dead Bodies Are There. We Want Govt To Rescue Us- According to Source

Okuama: We've Been Hiding In The Bush, Some Dead Bodies Are There. We Want Govt To Rescue Us- According to Source

According to several inhabitants of Okuama community in Delta State’s Ughelli South Local Government Area, soldiers opened fire on the locals, killing over fifty of them. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The members of the hamlet who spoke out from hiding, according to the Vanguard story, said that the military showed up for what was ostensibly a peace conference on March 14 and was greeted with open arms by the community.

They said that the problem began when the soldiers wanted to leave with the community leader and some elders for further talks, but the community kicked against it.

The residents said that the soldiers began shooting right there in the community town hall, and several people were killed on the spot because they did not expect the soldiers to open fire on them.

They said that the soldiers left, but returned later with more reinforcements and continued shooting, and that not less than 50 persons were killed that day.

They said that the soldiers returned the following day being March 15th and burnt down the whole village.

A mother in the community who fled the community said that some of them have not seen their children since that day, and that they have been hiding in the bush. She called on the government to come to their aid.

She said, “Some of us have yet to see our children since March 14th. We have been hiding in the bush, some dead bodies are there, therefore, we want the government to come and rescue us.”

She said that they did not attack the soldiers in the river, and added that thorough investigation should be carried out into the incident to find out who killed their people and the soldiers.

A few days ago, the entire country was taken by surprise when the news emerged that 16 soldiers were killed in Okuama community when they were on a peacekeeping mission there.

The Nigerian Army also disclosed that some persons have been arrested in connection with the killing. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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