
If FAAN Is Moved To Lagos, Then The Ministry Of Commerce Should Be Moved To Onitsha Or Kano -According to Bashir Dalhatu

'Over 80% Of The Country's Wealth Went To The South During The Privatization Of Industries' -According to SAN Bashir Dalhatu

In light of increased airline activity, SAN Bashir Dalhatu, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arewa Consultative Forum, has proposed moving government ministries based on regional activity. Specifically, he suggests moving the Ministry of Commerce to Onitsha or Kano to better align with the areas’ higher levels of commercial activity, just as the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) was moved to Lagos. He also suggested that Makurdi be the location of the Ministry of Agriculture, highlighting the importance of agriculture in the area. He issued a warning against such actions, noting that the initial intent behind the establishment of a federal capital territory such as Abuja was to represent unity and national cohesiveness. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He expressed concern that decentralizing ministries to various regions could set a precedent, potentially leading to a fragmentation of government functions.

He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”If you take FAAN to Lagos because there are more airline activities in Lagos than in Abuja. If FAAN is moved to Lagos, then the Ministry of Commerce should be moved to Onitsha or Kano. Because there are far more commercial activities in Onitsha and Kano than in Abuja. You should take the Ministry of Agriculture to Makurdi where there is a lot of agricultural activity and food production.

You can distribute these ministries to locations according to the kind of activity you can identify. But that is not the intention or he decision or the purpose of establishing a federal capital territory. It is supposed to be itself a symbol of unity and togetherness of this country. When you start dismembering ministries back to Lagos, you are establishing a precedence which means the next government will do the same.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

'Over 80% Of The Country's Wealth Went To The South During The Privatization Of Industries' -According to SAN Bashir Dalhatu

‘Over 80% Of The Country’s Wealth Went To The South During The Privatization Of Industries’ -According to SAN Bashir Dalhatu

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