
Witness: Minutes After 100 Soldiers Surrounded Us, They Drove In And Burned A Retired Police Officer


Tragic events that no one could have predicted threw the tranquil Amegu-Nkalaha hamlet in Ebonyi State into sadness. What should have been a brief period of safety and relief swiftly devolved into a nightmare that killed 15 innocent people, destroyed homes, and split families apart.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

A witness, lucky to have escaped unhurt, recounted the horrifying events that unfolded. According to him, about 100 soldiers arrived in the village, assuring the people of their safety. Their presence initially provided a sense of security, as the residents believed they were protected from any potential threats. However, what happened next left the entire community in shock.

Mere minutes after the soldiers withdrew, suspected Fulani herdsmen stormed the village in a brutal attack. The armed assailants unleashed terror, slaughtering villagers and setting houses ablaze. The scene was one of absolute horror, with lifeless bodies scattered across the village and the cries of the wounded filling the air.

One of the most gruesome acts of violence was the killing of a retired police officer, Agugbo, who was reportedly burned beyond recognition. The attackers spared no one in their path, leaving devastation behind as they continued their assault. Families who had moments ago felt reassured by the presence of security forces were suddenly thrown into despair, forced to flee for their lives.

The witness, still shaken by the experience, questioned how such an attack could happen so soon after the soldiers had left. “Minutes after 100 soldiers surrounded us, they drove in and burned a retired police officer,” he recounted with pain and disbelief.

This incident has raised serious concerns about security in the region and the role of security operatives in preventing such tragedies. Many residents are now left wondering if the soldiers’ presence was merely a coincidence or something more unsettling.

As the community mourns its dead and tries to rebuild, one question lingers in the air—how could such an attack happen under the watch of those meant to protect them? The pain is immeasurable, and the scars left behind will not heal anytime soon.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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