
Ex-soldier: When Boko Haram heard us shouting amor they knew we were out of armor and they flanked us


One of the 70 soldiers who were given firing squad execution sentences for mutiny in 2014, Ayodele Olawale, has talked about his experiences fighting Boko Haram. Olawale claimed in a recent video released by Arise TV that the charges against him and the other soldiers stemmed from their inability to move forward against the militants because they lacked the necessary weapons and ammunition.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Olawale said that during one of their operations in Kafia Forest, the soldiers ran out of ammunition. He said the insurgents gained an advantage when they overheard the soldiers shouting for armor and ammunition. He added that the moment Boko Haram realized the soldiers lacked ammunition, they quickly flanked them from all sides

In Olawale’s words: “The last operation we went to at Kafia forest, why [Boko Haram] had an upper hand on us was that when they began to hear soldiers shouting armor, ammunition this told them that we were out of ammunition and before you know they flanked us right and left”.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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